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Our church is a member of the Churches Together group in Hoddesdon, Broxbourne and Wormley. Churches Together supports a range of initiatives to serve Christ in the local community:


Street Pastors

Street Pastors are trained volunteers from local churches who care about their local community. They patrol the streets in teams usually from 10pm to 4am on a Friday or Saturday night to care for, listen to and help people who are out on the streets. For further information about Street Pastors contact Nigel de Rivaz  by clicking here

Broxbourne Foodbank

Local churches all support a local Foodbank initiative and donate non-perishable food which is given out to people in need. Foodbank clients bring vouchers to a Foodbank centre where they can be redeemed for three days emergency food. Volunteers meet clients over a cup of tea or free hot meal and are able to signpost people to agencies able to solve their longer-term problems. Further information about the Broxbourne Foodbank can be found at


Young Life

Young Life is a non-denominational Christian ministry that works to build positive relationships with teenagers, and aims to introduce them to Christ and help them grow in their faith.

Young Life offers a range of clubs, activities and opportunities to go on trips and camps for different age groups, so that teenagers can make friends, have fun, and explore more about having a relationship with God.

For further information about Young Life in Broxbourne and Hoddesdon, please contact Rich Youngman on 01992 446965 or by clicking here.




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